18 February 2012

Vault of Saved Concepts

Come on, everyone, step lively. We have much space to cover and little time to do it.
Welcome to The Vault. Here we find stored all the writings of our resident, dating back for almost two decades.
What? Where are you?
I was told I had a group of writers coming for a tour of the storage facility. Did someone bamboozle me?
Well, surely you’ve got a similar facility…
Oh, dear. That just won’t do. Let’s talk about the point of the facility, then we can take the actual tour.
Everything we’ve written has a chance to be great. Just because something looks or sounds horrible within a given story, it doesn’t mean that it is. Perhaps it just doesn’t fit that piece. It might be the start of a piece all its own. Or it might be something for a sequel. Finding its spot is a tricky proposition.
As such, we develop our form of a vault. For some, especially before the age of computers, it was a large filing cabinet or five, stashed in the office or attic or basement. It held every scrap, every deleted scene, every concept that a writer thought held anything of worth. Lots of papers crammed in a storage area.
With the advent of computers, this large storage area can reduce down to thousands of 1s and 0s on a storage device, allowing the writer to store infinitely more information in a much smaller locale.
How a facility of this nature exists depends on the organizational skills of the writer. Some writers will have folders for each idea, sub folders with things separated based on character, setting, plot, world building, well you get my point. Others will lump all their concept paragraphs into a single file, sifting through them when time comes to start a new project. Still others have hundreds of single files with those same starting paragraphs.
This is just the beginning ideas.
When revising a piece, perhaps the writer finds a scene that just doesn’t fit the book. They pull it out, but they won’t waste perfectly good writing just because the book doesn’t need it.
No, not at all.
It gets put into a separate file, to be read, considered, and possibly worked into a new piece. This scene may unfold into a different story or book.
But don’t throw it away. Save it for that rainy, writer-blocked day.
What’s the point?
These can act as writing prompts. You have the scene, now where does it go?
These can push away that evil internal editor and allow your creative self to function.
These can trigger a fit of idiotic writing, more to be stored in the vault.
They get you writing is the most important part.
Sometimes, that idea you pulled from your first book because the four best seller you’ve had, because you had the foresight to hold onto the idea.
Wait! Where are you going? Don’t you want to take the tour . . .

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