01 December 2012

Blog Hopping - The Next Big Thing

A writing forum I'm part of started this thing called a blog hop, which is similar to the Merry Go Round Blog Tour.  An author gets a series of questions about their latest project then posts the answers with tags for the next five authors. (Unfortunately, I don't know five authors to tag with blogs, but if people are interested, please feel free to leave me a comment!) So here we go!

Where did the idea come from for the book?

It started as a short story that I’d been sending to publishers, but that kept getting rejected. My beta readers loved it and I got a few positive comments in personal rejections, but no publications. So I’ve expanded the concept to encompass a full book of stories based around the arrival of Death at various locations.

What genre does your book fall under?

In a way, I guess it would be considered fantasy, since I am personifying Death and his travels. Though it might also come under humor. I really don’t consider genre until the book is completely written. Right now, its just three stories.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Short story collection that follows Death’s travels for a day.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I’m thinking this may be my foray into self-publishing, just so I can get the stories out into the public eye. If an agency likes what they see and decides to offer me a contract, I won’t object. (Unless it’s PublishAmerica or linked to the Write Agenda.)

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

While I'm writing a book, I don't like to compare it to others in the field, because I don't want to be influenced. I just write and hope for the best.  Once it's done, I might revisit this question.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Rejection inspired this concept. After fifteen rejections of a story that I’m told is some of my best work, I decided to expand it to something greater. I figured if I can make it a book and sell it, it will prove those rejecting it that they were wrong.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

The stories are going to bring to light the fact that Death and other concepts are going to be as mundane as everyone else. The first completed story for the collection right now has Death buying shoes. Not an altogether common sight, but one people can relate to (I hope.)

So... if other writers are interested in answering this, leave me a comment and I'll gladly send the questions along, linking to this post once you've completed it.

Also, I'll gladly answer additional questions!

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